Monday, May 5, 2008

Woe to BSG


Seriously, BSG, what's up? We had a good thing going. You were being all smart, with action, drama, political intrigue, moral quandaries, and an examination of what it means to be human. And now... well, now it's a lot of religious naval-gazing and redundant and (at this point) rote can't-trust-the-Cylon moments. What happened BSG? What happened?!

This past week's BSG was a big let down. Not only did it seem short (according to my TiVo-like device, it was), but nothing to provide "entertainment," much less "forward motion," occurred to warrant watching. It's a bummer, and one that I hope is resolved fairly quickly. Even the bad run they had in the latter half of season two wasn't boring, just sloppy (and dumb). But this, BSG... this is not only sloppy and dumb... but boring. And there's nothing worse than a good-show-gone-boring.

So there's naval-gazing, and Chief (though that is no longer his title) has shaved his head, and spends his time working out and ignoring his child and obsessing over Cally's death. More religious horse-shit from Baltar, who tries to work his magic on Chief, who tries to work-over Baltar's neck with his hands. Meh. Oh look, Baltar came to apologize. Guess that means Chief's gonna hold his hand. Maybe they'll make out next week. It'd be more entertaining than this one, even if out of sheer shock-value.

We get an entire episode's worth of the crew with Starbuck on her Quest-for-Earth talking smack behind her back and deciding whether or not to mutiny in the face of her taking a distressed Leoben on-board.

On a side note, RoboRoommate v.1 saw the actor who plays him at the local Starbucks a week and a half ago. Given the character's obsession with such-named female, it was amusing that the actor finds solace in the delightful caffeinated real-world version. 

Starbuck is crazy, and Leoben gives her an even-crazier option -- truce with an embattled Cylon faction, to help destroy the "bad" Cylons, and to find Earth together. Which is fine. Except NOTHING HAPPENS. A perfunctory ship-explosion is thrown in there to keep us awake, but is so random that I can't really care who died, or what happened. Yawn. Next.

I have to say, BSG better pick up. It's the last season, and it's a high-high-high quality show, but if this is how the rest of the season is going to play out, it's time to cut-ship and float off into the vastness of space on our own... and maybe to the fabled 13th colony of "entertainment."

For an equally as bored recap, you can find it here at io9.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Chief and Baltar don't make out next week...

...I will be upset.