Friday, May 2, 2008

Jack, Seriously, Get Your Shit Together

"Something Nice Back Home"

It occurs to me that Jack should know better by now. He's well aware he has appendicitis, but it's not like there aren't any other medical professionals on the island. Juliet has sliced-and-diced at least half-a-dozen women since coming to the island, and seems pretty well experienced in the art of "playing with organs."

Bernard, also, is in medicine, albeit dentistry, which, you know, is like mouth medicine. 

So Juliet finally calls him out on it, then sends Jin, Sun, Daniel and Charlotte to retrieve some medical items from the Medical Station. Someone does call Juliet out on this lame plan -- why not just take Jack there -- but noooooo -- his organs could explode. Wahhh. You have like a bajillion pieces of plane and and endless forest of wood. Build the guy a stretcher and carry him there. That way you have legitimate lighting, a plethora of equipment, and a clean environment. But no. They cut him open in a tent. Maybe that's why all your patients died, Juliet. You're a moron.

Also, why doesn't anyone talk Jack out of his lame insistence on being awake during the surgery? I mean, it's not just that he's hopping aboard the bad idea train, it looks like he's shoveling the coal into the engine, too. Shouldn't Juliet -- a real doctor -- be like, "Jack. Dude. Frealz. That shit is whack. Wiggity whack. Not just regular type." She could even do the whole, "I won't do surgery on you unless you're out because if you're flailing in incredible pain it's going to be tough to remove an infected portion of your intestine."

But let's move on from the surgery, shall we?

Finally! Jack and Kate boning! Thank Christ. It only took four seasons. But of course Jack can't be happy. I mean, Hurley's out of his mind, so why you're giving his whacky statements any weight is dumb. And then, you know, becoming all crazy-possessive-BF is not cool either. Jack, Jackie-Boy, WTF are you doing?

But I guess we know. My theory is that he's turning into his father. And by theory I mean: He's turning into his father. Jack just can't be happy, which is a bummer, because he really does look SO HAPPY with Kate and Aaron. 

But, thankfully, Claire disappears in this episode, so at least we got less of her than I expected. Maybe she won't ever show up again. Maybe the jungle ate her. Or maybe she was fired for being whiney and boring. 

And what's the deal with Sawyer? I want to see him play a vigilante in a movie, because he's got that crazy-earnest look in his eyes. "I will save Claire and her baby, even if that means cutting off Miles' balls." That is, of course, not a word-for-word quote.

More stuff with Jin and Sun, and a nice reversal from him being the one who couldn't understand, to being the one who understands it all. It also ties into Sun hiding her English from him and him not knowing. Charlotte tries to hide her Korean from them, and he finds out. Yay! You've come full circle. Too bad you either die or stay on the island.

I'll leave it with this question I'm wondering: Obviously, Kate wasn't cheating on Jack with Sawyer, because we find out pretty handily that Big Brother did not leave the Island. So what was it that Kate promised him to do, and why is she doing it? And why won't she tell Jack?!

"We probably shouldn't have eaten everyone on the island for food."

Seriously, it's like they're all teenagers.

Good episode, but, of course, a letdown after last-week's ridiculously chock-full-'o-action spot. Let's hope that next week we get more shit blowing up, more characters getting offed, and more Miles using his "powers."

(Thanks to Lostpedia for pictures)



Anonymous said...

I think whatever Kate was doing had to do with Sawyer's daughter.

RoboNixon said...

Oooh, good idea, RoboBro-Dawg. I hadn't really thought about that. Mostly it's because I tuned out of Sawyer's story as soon as he killed Locke's dad and he stopped being any sort of interesting to me. But good call nonetheless.