Sorry for the title. Somehow my friends and I were caught playing charades last night. One of the members of the other team proceeded to act out "Iranian Man" to which no person guessed. He was attempting Iron Man. Why you could guess that with Iranian Man as your clues is beyond me. Luckily, my team fared better, though my charades for "Citizen Kane" were confusing. Evidently most don't think of beating as the primary purpose of a cane (2nd word, sounds like). My B.
So along with $99,999,988 worth of other people's ticket sales, I too saw Iron Man this weekend. There's not a whole lot I can say about it that hasn't been said by others. Reviews here, here, and here summarize, nearly to the T, my feeling on the film. I had a great time. I might see it again. I'll recommend it. Various RoboFriends' reaction was positive, with merely an exception or two.
If you haven't seen it yet, do. Odds are in favor of you enjoying the overall experience.
Next up on the docket: Thoughts on Friday's BSG. Prepare for the worst.
(Thanks to Variety, Wall Street Journal, and Hollywood Reporter)
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