So it should be pretty clear to anyone who follows film that Oliver Stone is out of his [fill-in-the-blank]-mind. Because cocaine evidently ate up the parts of his brain that come up with original ideas, his newest flick, again based on reality, is a bio-pic of the worst President in United States history (and I ain't lookin' at you Buchanan/Harding). That would be this one.
But an early draft of the script was leaked to the press and, well, let's just say that it was BALLS-OUT-RIDICULOUS. So here's my hope. My hope is: it's a comedy. Please let Oliver Stone make his Dub-Ya biopic a comedy. Because otherwise nothing he's doing makes any sense.
''I think history is going to be very tough on him. But that doesn't mean he isn't a great story. It's almost Capra-esque, the story of a guy who had very limited talents in life, except for the ability to sell himself. The fact that he had to overcome the shadow of his father and the weight of his family name — you have to admire his tenacity. There's almost an Andy Griffith quality to him, from A Face in the Crowd. If Fitzgerald were alive today, he might be writing about him. He's sort of a reverse Gatsby.''
There's nothing I can add. That's just insane.
Well, here's to hoping that it's a comedy. Because that's the only way that it can avoid being horrible. And just be plain-ol' bad.
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