Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weird Science?

Two cool articles:

First up, a piece from wired.com about how buying that brand new Prius may not be the best carbon-offset-car-purchase you could make. Rather, they suggest buying old used cars that get decent gas mileage. Ch-ch-ch-check it. 
...the point is, you don't need to buy a Prius -- or any other hybrid, for that matter -- to get great fuel economy and minimize your carbon footprint. You might feel better driving a hybrid, but you won't necessarily be greener.
Also up at bat is a piece on what I've been calling the Post-College Malaise -- that feeling you get when you're out of school, excited to go out and DO something and then it hits you -- the real world fucking sucks. But hey! It's natural. Or so says this stub over at Popular Science.
The longitudinal study tracked the life circumstances and mental health symptoms of nearly 600 University of Alberta graduates for 7 years. The researchers learned that the elevated levels of depression and anger customary of “emerging adults” significantly declined over the 7-year period.
The results, say the authors in the paper, “suggest a growing psychosocial maturity on the part of young people that is adaptive.” Basically, one gets used to the rat race.
Get used to the rat-race... or get used to being a rat? YEESH!


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