Thursday, March 12, 2009

The ADD of Jack White

While surfing the internet today I discovered that fave musician of mine, Mr. Jack White III, purveyor of rock 'n roll mana from the heavens in the form of The White Stripes and The Raconteurs, has formed yet another band (another supergroup, if you will) called The Dead Weather.

This is both awesome and unawesome at the same time.

It is awesome because Jack White is singlehandedly rescuing rock 'n roll from it's sad Top 40/Nickelback-style fate. Most of his (I use the term loosely) albums are fantastic, and even when they aren't, they're interesting at the very least. You can check out the fawning review of the latest Raconteur's album I wrote a while back if you can't fathom my love for the man.

It is un-awesome because it means that we will undoubtedly have to wait for another album from The White Stripes and The Raconteurs to drop. Sigh.

But as long as Mr. White keeps a-rockin', I'll come a-knockin'.


Photo hijacked from

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